Yemen Changed Significantly 

2022-04-07 hwsclcom

On April 7(local time), Yemen President Hadi issued a proclamation to end his presidency and transferred president power to the presidential council, which compiled by eight members, in order to end the transition period that began in November 2011 as soon as possible. President Hadi also announced the removal of Ali Muhsin vice president post.

In addition, in president Hadi's statement, the Houthis were referred to as "Ansalla"  for the first time, the official name given by the Houthis themselves, rather than the "Houthis" that had been used before. The presidential council will, on behalf of the Yemen government, negotiate peace with "Ansalla" (Houthis) on a comprehensive and long-term ceasefire and work to reach a final political solution to ensure that Yemen will move from a state of war to a state of peace during the transition period. 


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